Arduino Weather Station: Enclosure Preparation

Here I install the arduino weather station components into a box that will be ready for the outdoors! I seriously lucked out and my granddad made me a weather station box years ago. Now I am actually using it! An ideal enclosure for a weather station would be a Stevenson screen. That way you can protect your sensors and measure the "real" weather at the same time.  Ideally the enclosure will not alter your weather measurements and provide good airflow. My enclosure built by my granddad should be close to ideal!

This is what the enclosure looks like:

It is a epic wooden box with wooden slats to allow airflow. I then had help drilling a precise hole for a PVC pipe that will be used to measure the snow that accumulates on top of the box. 

Since I am using an arduino and some small circuit sensors to measure everything, I am also going to put everything in several circuit boxes to protect them from moisture. This is probably going to bias my measurements a bit because of heat generated by the electronics and bad air circulation but I really don't want to short my electronics. 

After some weather staining to proof the enclosure, drilling holes for wires, and soldering all of the circuits permanently, this is what the assembled weather station looks like:

The arduino is in the large box, which collects and sends the data over wifi, the small box has the BME280 sensor that collects the temperature, humidity and pressure data, and the other wire goes up into a PVC pipe to the ultrasonic sensor to measure snow height. The arduino is powered by a lithium ion battery so it can be placed somewhere remote and send data over wifi.

Now after sealing everything up, the weather station looks like:

The enclosures for the weather station are complete and it is ready for deployment!